Getting ready for your cat’s stay
General information
Sundays is located at
182 Yio Chu Kang Road Singapore 545629
Parking is available
Regular check-in hours are between 15:00 - 18:00 HRS daily
Early check-in starts at 11:00 HRS and is chargeable at a flat rate of $20.
Check-in appointments may be made here.
Regular check-out hours are between 11:00 - 13:00 HRS daily
Late check-out is up to 18:00 HRS and is chargeable at a flat rate of $20.
Check-out appointments may be made here.
Admission paperwork
Cats must be up to date with F4 vaccinations or have a valid VacciCheck antibody blood test results.
If the cat is unsuited for vaccinations, a valid vet memo is required.
Kittens must be at least 10 weeks old of age at admission and have received at least one F4 vaccination.
The boarding cat must be sterilised if he/she is 8 months or older at admission or showing signs of sexual maturity.
The cat must have recovered from surgery for at least 14 days if recently sterilised.
All boarding cats are required to be protected against external and internal parasites through out the boarding period.
Products such as Advocate, Broadline, Frontline and Revolution may be used.
Spot-on treatment may be purchase from us at $20 per vial.
For access to the play and exercise areas, Boarding Cat is required to have negative test results for FeLV .
Boarding Cat shall be assumed to be positive in the event that:
FeLV testing has never been conducted before
Test results cannot be provided
Boarding cat has unsupervised access beyond Guardian’s home
Boarding cat has engaged in direct physical contact with cats from other households (with unknown and or positive FeLV status) since the last FeLV test.
Boarding cat has shared food/water bowls with cats from other households (with unknown and or positive FeLV status) since the last FeLV test.
Boarding Cats positive for FeLV will not have access to the common play and exercise areas.
Boarding cat should be physically heathy at check-in. Cats showings signs of active disease, injury or pain during check-in may be rejected admission.
What to pack
Cats are creatures of habit and do not do well with sudden food change. We strongly recommend bringing your cat’s regular food.
Please bring at least 10% more than what you expect your cat will eat.
We provide complimentary pine and tofu litter for all rooms.
Please feel free to bring along your own litter should your cat prefer a different litter type.
Litter boxes and scoops are provided.
Item(s) with your cat’s scent e.g. favourite toy, bed etc.
Brushes and other grooming tools. We do not provide these tools for hygiene purposes.
What to expect
Cats are creatures of habit and transitioning to a new environment can be challenging. Below are some of the common observations that you may expect during your cat’s stay.
Soft stools
Reluctance to use
the litter box
Mild ailments such as sneezing, coughing, conjunctivitis etc.
Urinary tract issues
e.g. blood in urine
The duration of these symptoms can range between 1-5 days depending on how your cat responds to new environments in general. It’s perfectly normal for cats to experience these symptoms, especially during their first stay. We are trained to respond to these challenges and will work closely with you to help your cat feel more at ease.